Entity container object

The Entity container object allows you to incorporated an advanced interactive object (an entity) into your GUI windows. Entity containers can be queried using the Window.GetControl method.


SetFont Sets a normal font.
SetImage Sets a background image (sprite).
GetImage Returns the filename of the background sprite (or null if no sprite is set)
GetImageObject Returns a reference to the background sprite (or null if no sprite is set)
Focus Focuses the control.
MoveAfter Moves the control in z-order after a given control.
MoveBefore Moves the control in z-order before a given control.
MoveToTop Moves the control to the top of the z-order.
MoveToBottom Moves the control to the bottom of the z-order.
GetEntity Returns the entity object assigned to this container.
SetEntity Assigns an entity object to this container.


Parent (read only) Returns a reference to a parent window of this control (or null)
ParentNotify Specifies whether this control should notify its parent about events
Width A width of the control
Height A height of the control
Visible Specifies whether the control is visible
Disabled Specifies whether the control is disabled
Text A text the control displays
NextSibling (read only) Returns a reference to the next control in z-order
PrevSibling (read only) Returns a reference to the previous control in z-order
Type (read only) Returns always "entity container"
Freezable Specifies if the contained entity should be frozen when a system exclusive window is active
Name The internal name of the object.
Caption The caption of the object.
AccCaption A special caption of the object used for accessibility purposes.
X The X position of the object.
Y The Y position of the object.
Height (read only) Returns the current height of the object. In case of actors and entities the scaling is taken into account.
Filename (read only) Returns the filename.
Ready (read only) Returns whether the object isn't currently performing any action.
Interactive Specifies whether the object recieves user input.
SoundPanning Specifies whether the sounds played by this object are automatically panned depending on object's position on screen.
NonIntMouseEvents Specifies if the object can receive the MouseEntry and MouseLeave events even if the game is in non-interactive mode.
Movable Specifies whether the object can be moved by its sprites (in case the sprite frames have a "move" property set).
Scalable Specifies whether the object is affected by scene's scaling levels.
Rotatable Specifies whether the object is affected by scene's rotation levels.
Colorable Specifies whether the object is affected by scene's color regions.
AlphaColor Specifies an RGBA color of this object (overrides scene coloring); set to 0 to reset default behavior.
BlendMode Specifies how the object's image is blended with the background colors; 0...normal mode, 1...additive blending, 2...subtractive blending
Scale Specifies a scale of this object (overrides scene scaling); set to null to reset default behavior.
ScaleX Specifies horizontal scale of this object; set to null to reset default behavior.
ScaleY Specifies vertical scale of this object; set to null to reset default behavior.
RelativeScale Specifies a scale amount to be added to the default scene scale.
Rotate Specifies rotation of this object (in degrees); overrides scene rotation; set to null to reset default behavior; not available in compatibility mode
RelativeRotate Specifies a rotation amount to be added to the default scene rotation.


Sets a normal font.


A filename of a font file to be used.

Return value

If the method succeeds, the return value is true.


Sets a background image (sprite).


A filename of a sprite file to be used.

Return value

If the method succeeds, the return value is true.


Returns the filename of the background sprite (or null if no sprite is set)


Returns a reference to the background sprite (or null if no sprite is set)


Focuses the control.


Moves the control in z-order after a given control.


A control object we will move our control after
A name of a control object we will move our control after

Return value

If the method succeeds, the return value is true.


Moves the control in z-order before a given control.


A control object we will move our control before
A name of a control object we will move our control before

Return value

If the method succeeds, the return value is true.


Moves the control to the top of the z-order.

Return value

If the method succeeds, the return value is true.


Moves the control to the bottom of the z-order.

Return value

If the method succeeds, the return value is true.


Returns the entity object assigned to this container.

Return value

Returns a reference to the entity object.


Assigns an entity object to this container.


The filename of the entity file to be assigned.

Return value

If the method succeeds, the return value is true.