The Game object allows you to access the properties of your game, and the engine itself. There is always one and only Game object available and it's stored in a predefined variable Game.
Diagnostic functions | |
LOG | Writes a text string to the system log file. |
Msg | Writes a quick diagnostic message to the screen. |
DumpTextureStats | Writes texture usage data to a text file in CSV format. |
EnableScriptProfiling | Starts gathering statistic information on script execution times. |
DisableScriptProfiling | Stops gathering statistic information on script execution times and writes the results to wme.log and to the debugging console. |
Object manipulation | |
ValidObject | Queries whether a given object reference is valid. |
UnloadObject | Removes an object from memory. |
LoadActor | Loads a new actor from a file. |
LoadActor3D | Loads a new 3D actor from a file. |
LoadEntity | Loads a new entity from a file. |
LoadWindow | Loads a new window from a file. |
ExpandString | Expands a given string using the string table. |
Music functions | |
MusicCrossfade | Crossfades two music channels |
PlayMusic | Plays a music. |
StopMusic | Stops a music playback. |
PauseMusic | Pauses a music playback. |
ResumeMusic | Resumes a paused music playback. |
SetMusicPosition | Sets the music's current playing position. |
GetMusicPosition | Queries the music's current playing position |
IsMusicPlaying | Queries whether the music is currently playing |
GetMusic | Queries the filename of the current music |
SetMusicVolume | Sets the volume of currently playing music. |
GetMusicVolume | Queries the music's current volume. |
PlayMusicChannel | Plays a music in a specified channel. |
StopMusicChannel | Stops a music playback in a specified channel. |
PauseMusicChannel | Pauses a music playback in a specified channel. |
ResumeMusicChannel | Resumes a paused music playback in a specified channel. |
SetMusicChannelPosition | Sets the music's current playing position in a specified channel. |
GetMusicChannelPosition | Queries the music's current playing position in a specified channel. |
IsMusicChannelPlaying | Queries whether the music is currently playing in a specified channel |
GetMusicChannel | Queries the filename of the current music in a specified channel |
SetMusicChannelVolume | Sets the volume of currently playing music in a specified channel. |
GetMusicChannelVolume | Queries the music's current volume in a specified channel. |
Script functions | |
AttachScript | Executes a script file and attaches it to the object. |
DetachScript | Terminates a specified script file and detaches it from an object. |
IsScriptRunning | Queries whether a specified script file is running and attached to an object. |
CanHandleMethod | Queries whether the object supports a method of a specified name. |
Sound functions | |
GetSoundLength | Queries length of a given sound file |
PlaySound | Plays a sound. If the filename is omitted, the currently assigned sound is played (if any). |
PlaySoundEvent | Plays a sound and triggers an event when the sound is over. If the filename is omitted, the currently assigned sound is played (if any). |
StopSound | Stops the currently playing sound (if any). |
PauseSound | Pauses the currently playing sound. |
ResumeSound | Resumes a paused sound playback. |
IsSoundPlaying | Queries whether a sound playback is in progress. |
SetSoundPosition | Sets the sound's current playing position. |
GetSoundPosition | Queries the sound's current playing position |
SetSoundVolume | Sets a volume of the currently playing sound. |
GetSoundVolume | Gets a volume of the currently playing sound. |
LoadSound | Initializes a sound from file and makes it ready to be played. |
Sound effects functions | |
SoundFXNone | Removes any sound effect currently assigned to this object. |
SoundFXEcho | Assigns an echo effect to the sounds played by this object. |
SoundFXReverb | Assigns a reverb effect to the sounds played by this object. |
Event functions | |
ApplyEvent | Applies a named event to the object. |
CanHandleEvent | Queries whether the object has an event handler for a specified event. |
Miscelaneous functions | |
SkipTo | Moves an object to a specified location. |
SetMousePos | Sets the mouse cursor position. |
LockMouseRect | Limits the mouse pointer movement to the specified rectangle |
QuitGame | Quits the current game session. |
FileExists | Queries whether a given file exists. |
GetFileChecksum | Computes a CRC32 value of a given file |
Screenshot | Takes a screenshot of the current game and saves it into a BMP file. |
ScreenshotEx | Takes an (optionally resized) screenshot of the current game and saves it into a BMP file. |
LoadStringTable | Loads the string table from a file. |
AddSpeechDir | Adds a directory to be used when WME automatically looks for speech files. |
RemoveSpeechDir | Removes a directory from the list of dirs to look for speech files automatically. |
Reset | Resets the game's persistent data. |
OpenDocument | Opens a specified document file or internet URL in an associated program. |
SetLoadingScreen | Sets an image to be displayed while loading a saved game. |
SetSavingScreen | Sets an image to be displayed while saving the game. |
ClearScriptCache | Clears the content of the engine script cache. |
DisplayLoadingIcon | Briefly displays a "loading" icon. |
HideLoadingIcon | Hides a "loading" icon displayed by DisplayLoadingIcon() |
StoreSaveThumbnail | Stores the current screen content to be used as a saved game thumbnail. |
DeleteSaveThumbnail | Releases a stored saved game thumbnail. |
Video functions | |
PlayVideo | Plays a given AVI video file |
PlayTheora | Plays a given Theora video file |
Registry functions | |
RegWriteNumber | Writes a given number to the Windows Registry. |
RegWriteString | Writes a given string to the Windows Registry. |
RegReadNumber | Reads a numeric value from the Windows Registry. |
RegReadString | Reads a string value from the Windows Registry. |
Save/load functions | |
SaveGame | Saves a game to the given save slot. |
LoadGame | Loads a game from the given save slot. |
IsSaveSlotUsed | Queries whether a given save slot is in use. |
GetSaveSlotDescription | Queries a description of a given save slot. |
EmptySaveSlot | Empties a given save slot. |
Volume functions | |
SetGlobalSFXVolume | Sets the volume of sound effects. |
SetGlobalSpeechVolume | Sets the volume of speech. |
SetGlobalMusicVolume | Sets the volume of music. |
SetGlobalMasterVolume | Sets the master volume. |
GetGlobalSFXVolume | Gets the current sound effects volume. |
GetGlobalSpeechVolume | Gets the current speech volume. |
GetGlobalMusicVolume | Gets the current music volume. |
GetGlobalMasterVolume | Gets the current master volume. |
Cursor functions | |
SetCursor | Sets the standard cursor. |
GetCursor | Returns the filename of the cursor sprite (or null if no cursor is set) |
GetCursorObject | Returns a reference to the cursor sprite (or null if no cursor is set) |
RemoveCursor | Removes the standard cursor. |
HasCursor | Queries whether the standard cursor is set. |
SetActiveCursor | Sets the active cursor. |
GetActiveCursor | Returns the filename of the active cursor sprite (or null if no cursor is set) |
GetActiveCursorObject | Returns a reference to the active cursor sprite (or null if no cursor is set) |
RemoveActiveCursor | Removes the active cursor. |
HasActiveCursor | Queries whether the active cursor is set. |
SetWaitCursor | Sets the non-interactive cursor. |
GetWaitCursor | Returns the filename of the non-interactive cursor sprite (or null if no cursor is set) |
GetWaitCursorObject | Returns a reference to the non-interactive cursor sprite (or null if no cursor is set) |
RemoveWaitCursor | Removes the non-interactive cursor. |
Fading functions | |
FadeOut | Fades the screen out to a specified color. |
FadeIn | Fades the screen in from a specified color. |
GetFadeColor | Gets the current fading color. |
Scene functions | |
ChangeScene | Loads a specified scene file. |
SetSceneViewport | Sets scene viewport to specified values. |
Responses/inventory | |
AddResponse | Adds a single response sentence to the response box. |
AddResponseOnce | Adds a single response sentence to the response box. The response is only added once per a dialogue branch. |
AddResponseOnceGame | Adds a single response sentence to the response box. The response is only added once per a game session. |
ResetResponse | Revives a previously disabled response. |
GetResponse | Displays a response box and waits for the player's choice. |
GetNumResponses | Queries the number of remaining responses in the response box. |
ClearResponses | Removes any responses previously added to the response box. |
GetInventoryWindow | Returns a reference to the window object used by the inventory box. |
GetResponsesWindow | Returns a reference to the window object used by the responses box. |
StartDlgBranch | Denotes a start of a dialogue branch. |
EndDlgBranch | Denotes an end of a dialogue branch. |
GetCurrentDlgBranch | Queries a current dialogue branch name. |
LoadResponseBox | Reloads a response box from file. |
LoadInventoryBox | Reloads an inventory box from file. |
LoadItems | Loads inventory items from a definition file. |
Item functions | |
TakeItem | Adds an item into the inventory. |
DropItem | Removes an item from the inventory. |
GetItem | Queries an inventory item. |
HasItem | Queries whether a given item is in inventory of any of this object. |
IsItemTaken | Queries whether a given item is in inventory of any of the game objects. |
QueryItem | Queries a specified inventory item of all inventory items currently defined in game |
Dynamic object creation | |
CreateEntity | Creates a new entity object. |
DeleteEntity | Destroys a entity object. |
CreateWindow | Creates a new window object. |
DeleteWindow | Destroys a window object. |
CreateItem | Creates a new inventory item object. |
DeleteItem | Destroys an item object. |
3D characters related | |
SetShadowImage | Sets and image to be used as a simple shadow for 3D characters |
GetShadowImage | Gets the currently assigned image to be used as a simple shadow for 3D characters |
IsShadowTypeSupported | Checks the availability of specified shadow type on current computer configuration. |
Accessibility | |
AccOutputText | Sends the text to text-to-speech synthesizer |
Type (read only) | Returns always "game" |
Accelerated (read only) | Returns true if the game currently uses 3D acceleration to display graphics. |
CurrentTime (read only) | Returns the time elapsed since the game has started. |
WindowsTime (read only) | Returns the time elapsed since Windows has started. |
TextEncoding | Specifies text encoding used for in-game texts, 0..ANSI, 1..UTF8 |
TextRTL | Specifies if the game uses right-to-left reading order (for Hebrew and Arabic). Only affects TrueType fonts! |
MouseX | The current X position of the mouse cursor |
MouseY | The current Y position of the mouse cursor |
MainObject | The object which is used for the scene's auto scrolling, can be (set to) null |
ActiveObject (read only) | Returns the object which is currently under the mouse cursor (or null if there's none) |
InventoryObject | The object whose inventory is currently displayed. |
ScreenWidth (read only) | Returns the screen's width in pixels. |
ScreenHeight (read only) | Returns the screen's height in pixels. |
DebugMode (read only) | Returns whether the game runs in the debugging mode. |
SoundAvailable (read only) | Returns whether the sound is available and enabled. |
Keyboard (read only) | Returns a reference to the Keyboard State object. |
Subtitles | Specifes whether the speech subtitles are enabled. |
VideoSubtitles | Specifes whether the AVI/Theora video subtitles are enabled. |
SubtitlesSpeed | Specifies the speech subtitles speed (in milliseconds per one character) |
Scene (read only) | Returns a reference to the currently loaded scene object. |
SelectedItem | Currently selected inventory item (or null for no item). |
NumItems (read only) | Returns the number of items in the player's inventory. |
TotalNumItems (read only) | Returns the number of all inventory items currently defined in the game. |
SmartItemCursor | Specifies whether the mouse cursor with selected item only highlights if the object under mouse can handle the selected item. |
TalkSkipButton | Specifies which mouse button is used to skip talk lines (0-left button, 1-right button, 2-both buttons, 3-skipping is disabled) |
InventoryVisible | Specifies whether the inventory box is currently visible. |
InventoryScrollOffset | Specifies the current scrolling offset of inventory items in the inventory box. |
ResponsesVisible (read only) | Returns whether a response box is visible (i.e. the game awaits player's choice). |
WindowedMode (read only) | Returns true if the game runs in windowed mode. |
Hwnd (read only) | Returns the window handle (HWND) of the game window (only useful for plugin development). |
StartupScene | The filename of the scene to be loaded when the game starts. |
PrevScene (read only) | Returns the name of the previous scene. |
PrevSceneFilename (read only) | Returns the filename of the previous scene. |
LastResponse (read only) | Returns the text of the most recently selected response. |
LastResponseOrig (read only) | Returns the text of the most recently selected response in its orignal (non-localized) form. |
FPS (read only) | Returns the current framerate (in frames per second) |
MaxShadowType | Specifies the maximum shadow detail to be used throughout the game (0..none, 1..simple, 2..flat, 3..stencil shadows) |
Shadows | Specifies if shadows are enabled for 3D characters (obsolete, use MaxShadowType) |
SimpleShadows | Specifies if simple shadows are to be used for 3D characters. This attribute has no effect if real-time shadows are unsupported (obsolete, use MaxShadowType) |
SupportsRealTimeShadows (read only) | Returns true if the videocard supports real-time shadows (obsolete, use IsShadowTypeSupported()) |
MaxActiveLights (read only) | Returns the maximum number of active lights supported by video card. |
HardwareTL (read only) | Returns true if the game is taking advantage of hardware transform and lighting. |
Direct3DDevice (read only) | Returns the pointer to the underlying IDirect3DDevice8/IDirect3DDevice9 object (plugins only) |
DirectDrawInterface (read only) | Returns the pointer to the underlying IDirectDraw7 object (plugins only) |
SaveDirectory (read only) | Returns the path where saved games are stored |
Frozen (read only) | Returns true if the game is currently in frozen state |
SoundBufferSize | Specifies size of a sound buffer for streaming sounds (such as music), in seconds |
SuspendedRendering | Specifies whether the game updates screen. Use with caution. |
Name | The internal name of the object. |
Caption | The caption of the object. |
AccCaption | A special caption of the object used for accessibility purposes. |
X | The X position of the object. |
Y | The Y position of the object. |
Height (read only) | Returns the current height of the object. In case of actors and entities the scaling is taken into account. |
Filename (read only) | Returns the filename. |
Ready (read only) | Returns whether the object isn't currently performing any action. |
Interactive | Specifies whether the object recieves user input. |
SoundPanning | Specifies whether the sounds played by this object are automatically panned depending on object's position on screen. |
NonIntMouseEvents | Specifies if the object can receive the MouseEntry and MouseLeave events even if the game is in non-interactive mode. |
AccTTSEnabled (read only) | Accessibility: text-to-speech output is enabled |
AccTTSCaptions (read only) | Accessibility: text-to-speech output of item captions is enabled |
AccTTSTalk (read only) | Accessibility: text-to-speech output of spoken lines is enabled |
AccTTSKeypress (read only) | Accessibility: text-to-speech output of typed keys is enabled |
AccKeyboardEnabled (read only) | Accessibility: manual highlighting of active items is enabled |
AccKeyboardCursorSkip (read only) | Accessibility: manual highlighting of active items moves the mouse pointer to the active item |
AccKeyboardPause (read only) | Accessibility: pausing game using Ctrl+Space is enabled |
SuppressScriptErrors | Specifies whether WME should display a warning on screen when encountering script runtime error |
ChangingScene (read only) | Specifies whether scene change is currently in progress |
AutorunDisabled | Specifies whether the engine blocks Windows AutoRun feature |
LeftClick | The left mouse button has been pressed. |
RightClick | The right mouse button has been pressed. |
MiddleClick | The middle mouse button has been pressed. |
LeftDoubleClick | The left mouse button has been double-clicked. |
RightDoubleClick | The right mouse button has been double-clicked. |
LeftRelease | The left mouse button has been released. |
RightRelease | The right mouse button has been released. |
MiddleRelease | The middle mouse button has been released. |
MouseWheelUp | The mouse wheel has been rolled up. |
MouseWheelDown | The mouse wheel has been rolled down. |
Keypress | Some key has been pressed. Use the Keyboard variable to find out the details. |
BeforeSave | The game is about to save its state. |
AfterLoad | The game just loaded its state. |
Writes a text string to the system log file.
When the game runs in debug mode, it generates a "wme.log" file in the same directory where the project file resides. Using this method you can add your own diagnostic messages to the log file.
Writes a quick diagnostic message to the screen.
The quick message disappears after a few seconds.
Writes texture usage data to a text file in CSV format.
This method is only available if the game runs in accelerated mode.
Starts gathering statistic information on script execution times.
Stops gathering statistic information on script execution times and writes the results to wme.log and to the debugging console.
Queries whether a given object reference is valid.
If the object reference is valid, the return value is true.
If you store an object reference in a variable, you can ensure this object is still valid using the ValidObject method. Objects become invalid after they are unloaded from memory (ether explicitly or for example by changing to a different scene).
Removes an object from memory.
If you load an object using the Game.LoadActor, Game.LoadEntity and similar methods, you should unload those when you no longer need them to free memory. Otherwise those objects will be released when the game quits.
Loads a new actor from a file.
A reference to the new Actor object. If the method fails, the return value is null.
Loads a new 3D actor from a file.
A reference to the new 3D actor object. If the method fails, the return value is null.
Loads a new entity from a file.
A reference to the new Entity object. If the method fails, the return value is null.
Loads a new window from a file.
Returns a reference to a newly created window object or null if the loading fails.
Expands a given string using the string table.
Returns the expanded string.
Note that methods such as Actor.Talk() do expand strings automatically, you don't need to expand them yourself.
Crossfades two music channels
There can be always only two channels crossfading at one moment.
Plays a music.
If the method succeeds, the return value is true.
Stops a music playback.
If the method succeeds, the return value is true.
Pauses a music playback.
If the method succeeds, the return value is true.
Resumes a paused music playback.
If the method succeeds, the return value is true.
Sets the music's current playing position.
If the method succeeds, the return value is true.
Queries the music's current playing position
Returns the current playing position (in milliseconds).
Queries whether the music is currently playing
Returns true if music is playing.
Queries the filename of the current music
Returns the current music filename or null if music isn't playing.
Sets the volume of currently playing music.
Queries the music's current volume.
The volume in percent.
Plays a music in a specified channel.
If the method succeeds, the return value is true.
Stops a music playback in a specified channel.
If the method succeeds, the return value is true.
Pauses a music playback in a specified channel.
If the method succeeds, the return value is true.
Resumes a paused music playback in a specified channel.
If the method succeeds, the return value is true.
Sets the music's current playing position in a specified channel.
If the method succeeds, the return value is true.
Queries the music's current playing position in a specified channel.
Returns the current playing position (in milliseconds).
Queries whether the music is currently playing in a specified channel
Returns true if music is playing.
Queries the filename of the current music in a specified channel
Returns the current music filename or null if music isn't playing.
Sets the volume of currently playing music in a specified channel.
Queries the music's current volume in a specified channel.
The volume in percent.
Executes a script file and attaches it to the object.
Returns true if the script has been executed succesfuly.
Each WME object can have multiple scripts attached.
Terminates a specified script file and detaches it from an object.
Returns true if the script has been detached succesfully.
Script threads are currently executed event handlers and methods.
Queries whether a specified script file is running and attached to an object.
Returns true if a specified script file is attached to an object.
Queries whether the object supports a method of a specified name.
Returns true if the object is able to handle the specified method.
Queries length of a given sound file
Returns length of the sound file (in milliseconds).
Plays a sound. If the filename is omitted, the currently assigned sound is played (if any).
If the method succeeds, the return value is true.
Plays a sound and triggers an event when the sound is over. If the filename is omitted, the currently assigned sound is played (if any).
If the method succeeds, the return value is true.
Stops the currently playing sound (if any).
If the method succeeds, the return value is true.
Pauses the currently playing sound.
If the method succeeds, the return value is true.
Resumes a paused sound playback.
If the method succeeds, the return value is true.
Queries whether a sound playback is in progress.
If the sound is playing, the return value is true.
Sets the sound's current playing position.
If the method succeeds, the return value is true.
Queries the sound's current playing position
Returns the current playing position (in milliseconds).
Sets a volume of the currently playing sound.
If the method succeeds, the return value is true.
Gets a volume of the currently playing sound.
Returns the volume of the currently playing sound (in percent).
Initializes a sound from file and makes it ready to be played.
If the method succeeds, the return value is true.
Use this method to pre-cache a sound file. Initializing the sound takes some time and sometimes it's desirable to move all sound initialization to e.g. scene start so that the subsequent PlaySound calls don't slow the game down. That's what LoadSound is for. To play the pre-cached sound simply call PlaySound without specifying a filename, for example SomeObject.PlaySound(false);
Removes any sound effect currently assigned to this object.
Assigns an echo effect to the sounds played by this object.
Example: actor.SoundFXEcho(50, 50);
Assigns a reverb effect to the sounds played by this object.
Example: actor.SoundFXReverb(0, 0, 2000);
Applies a named event to the object.
Returns true it the event has been applied succesfuly.
Queries whether the object has an event handler for a specified event.
Returns true if the object is able to handle the specified event.
Moves an object to a specified location.
Sets the mouse cursor position.
Limits the mouse pointer movement to the specified rectangle
Call this method with no parameters (or with four zeros) to unlock the mouse pointer.
Quits the current game session.
Queries whether a given file exists.
If the specified file exists, the return value is true.
Computes a CRC32 value of a given file
Returns the CRC32 value of a file either as a number or a string with hexadecimal representation of the value. Returns null if the file doesn't exist.
Takes a screenshot of the current game and saves it into a BMP file.
If the method succeeds, the return value is true.
Takes an (optionally resized) screenshot of the current game and saves it into a BMP file.
If the method succeeds, the return value is true.
Loads the string table from a file.
The string table is NOT part of the saved game. You need either to ask user for language selection each time the game is started or store the setting in the registry.
Adds a directory to be used when WME automatically looks for speech files.
By default WME looks for speech files in a "speech" directory only.
Removes a directory from the list of dirs to look for speech files automatically.
Resets the game's persistent data.
This method deletes all scene states, selected responses, sets timer to zero and also clears all global variables, except those holding game objects (such as windows or entities). Use this method if you want to start a new game.
Opens a specified document file or internet URL in an associated program.
This method uses the Windows extension associations to run the right program. Note that the document file MUST NOT be stored inside the game packages. It must be a regular file and you must reference it either by full filename or a filename relative to the game directory.
Sets an image to be displayed while loading a saved game.
Sets an image to be displayed while saving the game.
Clears the content of the engine script cache.
Normally the engine caches compiled scripts so that they don't need to be compiled multiple times. This method allows you to flush the script cache, for example if you generate scripts dynamically and need them to be always re-compiled.
Briefly displays a "loading" icon.
You can use this function to briefly display a "work-in-progress" symbol; for example call this method before calling a command which takes a long time (loading a window, long animation etc.). The icon is displayed until the script returns control back to the engine, unless the Persistent parameter is set to true. In that case you have to manually hide the icon by calling the Game.HideLoadingIcon() method.
Hides a "loading" icon displayed by DisplayLoadingIcon()
Stores the current screen content to be used as a saved game thumbnail.
Returns true if the method succeeded.
Normally, the game takes a screenshot immediately before saving the game. Sometimes this might be undesirable. Using this method you can control the exact moment when the saved game thumbnail should be generated. It is then used in the nearest subsequent Game.SaveGame() call.
Releases a stored saved game thumbnail.
Returns true if the method succeeded.
This method releases any stored saved game thumbnail previously generated using the Game.StoreSaveThumbnail() method.
Plays a given AVI video file
If the method succeeds, the return value is true.
This method is now deprecated. Use PlayTheora() instead whenever possible.
Plays a given Theora video file
If the method succeeds, the return value is true.
Writes a given number to the Windows Registry.
Writes a given string to the Windows Registry.
Reads a numeric value from the Windows Registry.
Returns the number read from the Windows Registry.
Reads a string value from the Windows Registry.
Returns the string read from the Windows Registry.
Saves a game to the given save slot.
If the method succeeds, the return value is true.
Loads a game from the given save slot.
If the method fails, the return value is false.
Queries whether a given save slot is in use.
If the save slot is already in use, the return value is true.
Queries a description of a given save slot.
The description of a given save slot.
Empties a given save slot.
Sets the volume of sound effects.
If the method succeeds, the return value is true.
Sets the volume of speech.
If the method succeeds, the return value is true.
Sets the volume of music.
If the method succeeds, the return value is true.
Sets the master volume.
If the method succeeds, the return value is true.
Gets the current sound effects volume.
Returns the sound volume (in percent).
Gets the current speech volume.
Returns the speech volume (in percent).
Gets the current music volume.
Returns the music volume (in percent).
Gets the current master volume.
Returns the master volume (in percent).
Sets the standard cursor.
Returns true if the cursor has been set succesfuly.
Returns the filename of the cursor sprite (or null if no cursor is set)
Returns a reference to the cursor sprite (or null if no cursor is set)
Removes the standard cursor.
Queries whether the standard cursor is set.
Returns true if the object has a custom mouse pointer assigned.
Sets the active cursor.
Returns true if the cursor has been set succesfuly.
The "active" cursor is used when the mouse pointer is over an interactive object.
Returns the filename of the active cursor sprite (or null if no cursor is set)
Returns a reference to the active cursor sprite (or null if no cursor is set)
Removes the active cursor.
Queries whether the active cursor is set.
Returns true it the object has a custom mouse pointer assigned.
Sets the non-interactive cursor.
Returns true if the cursor has been set succesfuly.
Returns the filename of the non-interactive cursor sprite (or null if no cursor is set)
Returns a reference to the non-interactive cursor sprite (or null if no cursor is set)
Removes the non-interactive cursor.
Fades the screen out to a specified color.
The FadeOut method blocks the script execution until the fading is over, while the FadeOutAsync method returns immediately. The SystemFadeOut and SystemFadeOutAsync methods continue fading even after the game enters the system exclusive mode.
Fades the screen in from a specified color.
The FadeIn method blocks the script execution until the fading is over, while the FadeInAsync method returns immediately. The SystemFadeIn and SystemFadeInAsync methods continue fading even after the game enters the system exclusive mode.
Gets the current fading color.
Returns the current fading color in the encoded color format.
You can use the GetRValue(), GetGValue(), GetBValue() and GetAValue() functions to extract individual color components.
Loads a specified scene file.
Sets scene viewport to specified values.
This method affects all scenes (unlike Scene.SetViewport). Call this method without any parameters to set viewport to full screen.
Adds a single response sentence to the response box.
Adds a single response sentence to the response box. The response is only added once per a dialogue branch.
The engine will only add the response to the response box if it wasn't selected before by the player in the current dialogue branch. You must denote the dialogue branch using the Game.StartDlgBranch() and Game.EntDlgBranch() to make this method work.
Adds a single response sentence to the response box. The response is only added once per a game session.
The engine will only add the response to the response box if it wasn't selected before by the player before. You must denote a dialogue branch using the Game.StartDlgBranch() and Game.EntDlgBranch() to make this method work.
Revives a previously disabled response.
If you add a response using the Game.AddResponseOnce() or Game.AddResponseOnceGame() methods, it gets disabled once the player selects it. Use the ResetResponse method to make such response reappear.
Displays a response box and waits for the player's choice.
An ID number of the selected response.
Queries the number of remaining responses in the response box.
Returns the number of responses remaining in the response box.
Some of the responses added by the AddResponseOnce or AddResponseOnceGame methods may have not been actually added to the response box. Use this method to find out how many responses currently really are prepared in the response box.
Removes any responses previously added to the response box.
Returns a reference to the window object used by the inventory box.
A reference to the inventory window object.
Returns a reference to the window object used by the responses box.
A reference to the responses window object.
Denotes a start of a dialogue branch.
Dialogue branches only need to be explicitly denoted if you want to use the Game.AddResponseOnce() or Game.AddResponseOnceGame() methods.
Denotes an end of a dialogue branch.
Dialogue branches only need to be explicitly denoted if you want to use the Game.AddResponseOnce() or Game.AddResponseOnceGame() methods.
Queries a current dialogue branch name.
Returns the name of the current dialogue branch (started by the Game.StartDlgBranch method) or returns null if no dialgue branch has been started.
Reloads a response box from file.
Returns true if the method succeeded.
Reloads an inventory box from file.
Returns true if the method succeeded.
Loads inventory items from a definition file.
Returns true if the items were successfuly loaded.
Adds an item into the inventory.
Removes an item from the inventory.
Queries an inventory item.
A reference to the item object of a given name or at a given index in the inventory.
Queries whether a given item is in inventory of any of this object.
If the specified item is in the inventory of this object, the return value is true.
Note that this method only searches the current object, use the Game.IsItemTaken() method if you want to search all game objects.
Queries whether a given item is in inventory of any of the game objects.
If the specified item is in the inventory, the return value is true.
Queries a specified inventory item of all inventory items currently defined in game
Returns a reference to the specified item or null if the item name/index is invalid.
To query all available inventory items, create a loop from 0 to Game.TotalNumItems - 1.
Creates a new entity object.
Returns a reference to the newly created entity.
Destroys a entity object.
Creates a new window object.
Returns a reference to the newly created window.
Destroys a window object.
Creates a new inventory item object.
Returns a reference to the newly created item.
Destroys an item object.
This method permanently destroys the inventory item. You can no longer reference it in methods like TakeItem etc.
Sets and image to be used as a simple shadow for 3D characters
Returns true if the image has been successfuly set.
Gets the currently assigned image to be used as a simple shadow for 3D characters
Returns the filename of currently assigned shadow image or null if no image is set.
Checks the availability of specified shadow type on current computer configuration.
Returns true if the specified shadow type is supported by player's video card.
None and simple shadows are always available.
Sends the text to text-to-speech synthesizer
For this method to work, text-to-speech output must be enabled in the accessibility tab of the WME startup settings window.