Keyboard object

The Keyboard object represents the current state of the keyboard. There is always one and only Keyboard object available. It's accessible via the Game.Keyboard attribute. For the convenience the templates automatically store the keyboard object in a global variable named Keboard.


IsKeyDown Queries whether a specified key is pressed.


Type (read only) Returns always "keyboard"
Key (read only) Returns a string with the name of the pressed key (if the key is a printable character)
Printable (read only) Returns true if the pressed key is a printable character
KeyCode (read only) Returns a numeric code of a pressed key.
IsShift (read only) Returns true if the SHIFT key has been hold down when the key was pressed
IsAlt (read only) Returns true if the ALT key has been hold down when the key was pressed
IsControl (read only) Returns true if the CONTROL key has been hold down when the key was pressed


Queries whether a specified key is pressed.


The key to be querried (either a string, such as "A", or a numeric constant)

Return value

Returns true if the key is pressed down.


The available key names are defined as constants in the "scripts\" file